
Satsuma, Clementines and Mandarins.

Varieties - Okitsu, Owari, Bella, Mihowasi, Octubrina, Primasol, Clemenules, Oronules, Nours, Nadorcott, Tango, Orri, Murcott and Minneola.


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Mandarins were first cultivated in China and have been grown in Southeast Asia for over 3,000 years.

Seedless easy to peel varieties like Nadorcott have been the driving force behind the increase in demand for Mandarins in recent years.

The Clementine forms one of many subdivisions of the Common Mandarin (Citrus reticulata) family, and is thought to be derived from the Canton Mandarin, which is widely cultivated in south-east China. In general, a Clementine will have a tighter fitting rind to a Satsuma and more intensive flavour, but extensive cultivation and hybridisation of the variety, particularly in southern Europe, North Africa and the US have resulted in an enormous number of varieties, exhibiting a multitude of characteristics. 

The variety of sizes makes them suitable for all ages and they are packed with vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system and promotes healthy skin, they also contain significant amounts of other essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, potassium, and fiber.


Cal 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1x, 2x and 3x

Country of Origin